A higher loss quantum will put a greater burden on retro programmes.
New limit of $474mn entered the market across two deals.
American Integrity is seeking expanded limit on more favourable terms.
FY24 disclosures show shifting fortunes at reinsurer ILS platforms.
Peril- and geography-specific deals are being well received by investors.
A negative January return will be unprecedented for ILS industry.
Fermat stayed in the top spot surpassing $10.0bn for the first time.
Secondary market pricing indicated anticipated California wildfire losses.
As fires still rage, many fear early $10bn-$20bn estimates were too optimistic.
Aetna, Inigo and GeoVera were the three sponsors seeking lower multiples.
Compressed cat bond spreads could drive some rebalancing, as M&A remains a prospect.
The forecasts anticipate a large volume of maturities and rising sponsor demand.