The forecasts anticipate a large volume of maturities and rising sponsor demand.
Cat bonds were a key supply-side driver at 1 January 2025.
Investment in the space comes mainly from the cat bond market, Gallagher Re said.
The broker estimated ILS capital has reached $107bn.
The executive will play a key role in capital arrangements for Acrisure’s suite of underwriting units.
The reinsurance veteran joins from Artex Risk Solutions.
Magnani has served for more than 14 years in ILS broking roles.
WTW sold Willis Re to Gallagher in 2021 for $3.5bn.
The facility will also provide a dividend to clients for the first time.
Tyler left Gallagher Re earlier this year.
A client presentation from the broker put total insured losses at $25bn-$40bn, leaving the Citizens and the National Flood Insurance Programs clear of reinsurance impacts.
Roman Romeo was named CEO of Reinsurance Solutions in Bermuda in April this year.