Business interruption
Revenue, country and industry sector drive modelled output divergence.
The carriers were in arbitration with UnipolRe and Gen Re.
More than three-quarters of local exposure is ceded to highly rated reinsurers through excess of loss protection, according to the rating agency.
In a presentation before Florida lawmakers, Cerio noted recent success in Citizens’ efforts to move policyholders to private insurers and reduce risk exposure.
The carrier describes reinsurers’ current strategy of dealing with cyber policies as "a game of whack-a-mole"
The ILS business ‘continues to be an important differentiator’, says Aspen CEO Mark Cloutier
A Guy Carpenter report recently noted that risk models are converging for the most remote risk levels.
Softening cat bond rates are among the bearish signals for cat rates, but latent new demand and still-cautious supply should prolong reinsurer gains.
The insurer’s expected full-year combined ratio is 94% and constant currency GWP growth 10%.
The modeller also said that losses to the National Flood Insurance Program will likely remain under $300mn.
Lower-attaching Florida ILWs had been more in demand at this year’s mid-year renewals.
The broker said climate, conflict and capital concerns will keep driving up reinsurance rates but suggested new capital may be attracted to the market.