Hannover Re
The reinsurer’s ceded major losses were down 2% year-on-year, despite its net retained cat losses spiking by two-thirds to EUR1.6bn.
Hannover Re and Fidelis provided significant capacity on the Munich Re-led programme.
Across its three core retro deals, the carrier renewed EUR1.17bn, down 3% from EUR1.21bn in 2020.
The fourth-quarter charge will take group full-year pandemic losses to EUR1.2bn.
The latest issuances take the 2021 Seaside Re bonds to $136mn in total, down 10% from last year.
The new limit amounts to roughly half the Seaside Re bonds placed last year.
Suncorp, IAG and QBE reinsurers could face significant recoveries after a landmark court ruling.
The carrier increases its appetite for catastrophe risk ahead of “substantial” rate increases at 1 January.
The reinsurer passed lower natural catastrophe losses to retro partners than in Q3 2019, but Covid ceded losses rose to EUR173mn.
The carrier says higher retro renewal costs will act as a counterweight to rising rates.
Hannover Re's K sidecar includes exposure to the aviation market, but overall ILS participation in such risks is limited.
The reinsurers point to falling interest rates and loss experience as the basis for further hardening.