Euler ILS Partners and Tropical Storm Risk teamed up to produce an updated version of an earlier study.
Tyler left Gallagher Re earlier this year.
CEO Adrian Cox said Beazley’s recent $290mn ILW purchase was not driven by “capital flexibility in and of itself”.
The low PCS number is presenting a challenge for ILW buyers and sellers.
The loss tally is considerably lower than estimates issued by model vendors.
Cat bonds, private ILS and retro were all kept at “strongly overweight”.
Hurricane Milton will show the ILS product behaving as investors expect it to.
Collateralised reinsurance and retro are in the firing line.
The firm’s deals so far have covered cat risk, with space ILS in scope for the future.
The ILW specialist is believed to be exploring new opportunities.
Increased ILW purchasing reflects cash-rich funds looking to protect return levels.