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June 2009/1

  • Cat risk appetite showed signs of reappearing from the hedge fund community, as two alternative investment specialists unveiled forays into insurance-linked investments this month. Cartesian Capital
  • Swiss Re and Guy Carpenter are bringing a $100-150mn cat bond to market on behalf of the North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association (NCJUA), in order to fill gaps left in its 1 June reinsurance pr
  • Traditional US reinsurance markets have recently shown significant capacity constraints, driving reinsurance rates upward and supporting catastrophe bond pricing at high levels. Reinsurance rates for
  • June has seen the first signs of easing in the sky-high prices that have all but frozen the industry loss warranties (ILW) market in 2009. However, ILW pricing may have to fall a further 10-15 percen
  • Forecasting hurricane activity is rarely accurate, and should therefore not be relied on for making investment decisions in the sector, according to analysis from Numis Securities.  Numis added that
  • ISDA OTC template launched After two years of market consultation, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) has launched a standard template for trading US wind event futures. ISDA
  • More than $1.7bn of sidecar capacity was secured by reinsurers looking to cash in on attractive underwriting conditions and potential capacity shortages in the first half of 2009, despite “diff
  • With $1.385bn of US wind and quake peril securitised to date in 2009, and another $100-150mn in the pipeline (see p1) insurance-linked securities (ILS) investors called for peril diversification as t
  • Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has cited Hannover Re’s retro strategy as a factor in deciding to downgrade the outlook to negative on the reinsurer’s AA- credit and insurer financial stren
  • The ILS market is braced for upcoming changes to California earthquake models that may reduce the estimated hazard resulting from a temblor by up to 35 percent. Upcoming releases from the two main p
  • The mysterious US investment fund which owns the outstanding positions in Aspen Insurance’s beleaguered cat bond, Ajax Re, is tussling with the administrators of the Lehman Brother’s bank
  • Insurance-linked securities (ILS) sponsor USAA – which issued its thirteenth consecutive cat bond last month – has set a new disclosure standard for (re)insurers by posting data on all of