This will be the third cat bond issuance through Baltic Re PCC.
The cat bond manager warned of excess downside risk owing to an accumulation of losses.
The reinsurer had taken the opportunity to buy more limit across event and aggregate covers.
The largest individual net loss at EUR230mn was caused by Hurricane Milton.
The role will focus on international treaty, specialty lines and strategic advisory.
The role oversees the $187bn Canadian pension plan’s ILS allocation.
The cost of reinstatement was included in $170mn wildfire net loss figure.
The terrorism pool has shifted its programme from facultative to an XoL arrangement.
DaVinci equity plus debt stood at $3.25bn as of 31 December.
The firm ceded $417mn of premiums to the sidecar in 2024.
Wildfire loss ‘serves as a strong reminder not to unwind hard-fought for rates and terms’, the executive said.
Scrocca will be based in Bermuda on focus on underwriting and risk sourcing, among other things.