Catastrophe losses saw a 31 percent hit to the fund's 2019 portfolio with attritional losses coming in more than three times as high as budgeted.
The firm's K sidecar avoided major Dorian claims, as the firm also grew its whole-account covers.
This came as major losses ceded to retro partners reached EUR541mn.
The mutual added a £100mn lower layer to reduce the attachment point to £400mn.
Collateral negotiations are coming to the fore in retro renewals.
The fund has cut back in retro but plans US insurance expansion.
The fund intends to pay 90 percent of its current cash to investors with much of its portfolio held in side pockets.
The UK terrorism insurance scheme looks to add additional layers to its main 1 March retrocession renewal.
The carrier said the market was in the early stages of rate change and it was hard to know how long improvements would last.
The firm will consider writing more retro after raising $300mn new equity.
Pricing slipped to the lower ends of the guidance ranges as the reinsurer upsized a hurricane tranche of the trade, sources said.
The former Aon retro broker was previously CEO of the UK arm at Fidelis.