The reinsurer was chasing a high 15% net return target but said lower demand and capital trapping made this unachievable
The Bermuda-based broker is believed to be heading to Corant along with other hires.
Some markets on the programme have pushed back on the inclusion of event cancellation exposures.
A new mandate from an institutional investor has seeded the strategy.
The capital supports the MGA’s excess retro portfolio.
The retro specialist joins the firm as it prepares to expand its reinsurance interests after spinning out of Willis.
The broker forecast that this hard market may be more akin to the “discriminate and relatively short-lived" phase following 2005.
Aggregate retro capacity has “reduced enormously” but rate increases were less severe than some had feared, the Willis Re international chairman said.
Capacity was constrained but some ILS funds were able to grow, while cat bonds also propped up supply.
New capacity and fewer problems with trapping contributed to a smoother renewal than some had expected.
This is the carrier’s first public cat bond after a private deal done through Guy Carp’s Cerulean platform in 2019.
The executive will lead the retrocession and property specialty segments.