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March 2015/1

  • Catlin's new Galileo Re bond is already trading above par on the secondary market just weeks after its issuance.
  • Ace stands to earn lucrative fees from its new joint venture with BlackRock, ABR Re, according to a marketing presentation obtained by sister publication The Insurance Insider
  • The value of annual cat bond trading on the secondary market has more than doubled in the past four years, from $1.7bn in 2010 to $4.2bn last year, fund manager Elementum Advisors estimated.
  • Kane's segregated accounts company has issued a $50.2mn private cat bond, according to a listings announcement on the Bermuda Stock Exchange.
  • Cat bond issuance increased in tempo during March, as several low-yielding deals were brought to market.
  • Fermat co-founder John Seo said that the private market could take on US flood risk more efficiently than even a zero-profit government scheme such as the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
  • Allstate has launched a seven-year Sanders Re transaction that would have one of the longest durations of any nat cat bond, Trading Risk understands.
  • The World Bank is currently working on a new $350mn earthquake and wind transaction with an emerging market government, according to vice president and treasurer Madelyn Antoncic.
  • Flexibility is a bit of a double-edged adjective to apply to underwriters in a softening market.
  • Further broking facilities targeting alternative market partners are expected to emerge following the recently announced Nephila-Amwins arrangement.
  • The Gator Re cat bond looks set to avoid a loss from 2014 storm activity, as the sponsor's aggregate estimated claims for the year remained below the $150mn trigger level, Trading Risk understands.