Mohit Pande says insurers’ models are failing to take into account the impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on storm frequency.
The risk modeling firm said damage caused in Antigua, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic would contribute about $200mn to the onshore claims count.
The modelling agency noted that an easing of the restrictions would reduce this percentage.
Modelling firms said there were too many variables to quantify the impact, but many factors could escalate claims.
Latest loss estimate comes after the company had estimated Faxai losses of $5bn to $9bn.
This cohort will spend 10 weeks working on technological solutions designed to improve the efficiency of the market.
The model will also capture sub-perils including ground-shaking liquefaction, landslide, tsunami and fire following earthquakes.
The firm said its new platform would be “open and flexible”.
The overwhelming majority of claims have come out of Bay County, the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation said.
The EUR90mn Italian multi-peril cat bond from Unipol will only be partly placed in the cat bond market, sources said.
People moves in the industry in the past month.
AIR Worldwide put the direct losses from the incident at between $200mn and $600mn.