Board members voted five to four in favor of rate increases but fell short of the two-thirds majority required.
The ratings agency is currently in discussions with Clear Blue’s management regarding the company’s ability to replace certain programs or letters of credit.
The CEO said Chubb has ‘never seen better pricing’ on primary property.
Loss-free accounts were generally up 20%-50% at renewal, the reinsurance broker said.
The firm’s 1st View report on the July renewals also flagged that an oversupply of ILW capacity may bring down attachment points relative to early 2023.
The carrier is increasing underlying rates to counter increased reinsurance costs and inflation.
Considering recent reforms, Citizens’ rates, on average, are still 58.6% below actuarially sound levels, but the inadequacy would have been 88.3% without them.
Some cedants paid more than 40% increases depending on Florida concentration and Hurricane Ian losses.
Even clean accounts in the admitted space are seeing rate increases of 15% year on year, while loss-hit accounts in Florida were slapped with a 100% rate increase for June 1.
Early private deals have provided far more stability in this year’s renewal than last.
Softening cat bond rates are among the bearish signals for cat rates, but latent new demand and still-cautious supply should prolong reinsurer gains.
The pace of rate hikes will ease back from the 1 January reset as buyers seek to lock up capacity early after last year’s dislocated renewal.