The insurer reported a combined ratio of 283.5%, sharply worse than the 147.9% in Q2 2020.
The carrier benefited from a shrinking of large losses and strong investment returns.
The carrier made recoveries on only one disaster event in the past year.
The Florida insurer’s CEO said he was “cautiously optimistic” that legal reforms would benefit insurers struggling with rising loss inflation.
The insurer also sourced more buydown reinsurance layers to reduce its retention of North American catastrophe risks.
The insurer had a record quarter for earned premiums, linking the boost to the growth of TypTap, which recorded $39mn in earned premiums.
The Florida insurer’s combined ratio rose to an unprofitable 105.2% on higher weather losses and an increase in ceded premium.
The insurer kept prior-year reserves for Irma stable and said its “transition” plan was underway.
The carrier could not yet discern whether Q3 flooding losses will hit the $2.4bn programme, however.
There was a 13 percentage point spread in performance amongst index participants, the highest in the past year.
Executive board chairman Jean-Jacques Henchoz said earnings for H1 were up to pre-pandemic levels.
The firm’s co-CEO Richie Whitt said the firm might also consider growing its retro portfolio.