Modest increases to reinsurance costs were partly offset by the Australia cyclone pool.
The carrier estimated January cat losses of $1.08bn, or $849mn after-tax, including the fires.
Total combined losses for the agency’s Helene and Milton estimates stand at $31.8bn.
Scrocca will be based in Bermuda on focus on underwriting and risk sourcing, among other things.
A higher loss quantum will put a greater burden on retro programmes.
The estimate is net of its per-occurrence reinsurance program and gross of tax.
Insurers have paid $6.9bn in Southern California wildfire claims in the first four weeks of recovery.
The aim is to capitalise on cat bond market’s robust growth and US peril concentration.
Insurance Insider ILS revealed last week that the executive was leaving Property Claims Services.
The loss aggregator has classified the fires as two separate events for reinsurance purposes.
New limit of $474mn entered the market across two deals.