ILS returns in 2023 sparked a flurry of enquiries from hedge funds.
This is up from the recent increase to $1.2bn.
Reinsurers have a "strong desire" for growth, but not at the expense of underwriting.
The announcement confirms earlier reports from this publication.
Fee income was up by 30% year-over-year to $136mn in 2023.
This came as the broker earmarked “material softening” of minimum traditional rates on line.
Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund sustainable development projects.
The carrier’s mega bond is seeking coverage for Texas named storm.
The broker said 1 April Japanese renewals reinforced positive trends in the US at 1 January.
Sources said the deal was roughly three times over-subscribed as cat becomes hot.
The multi-peril coverage was due to expire in June 2026.