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September 2008/1

  • Reinsurance broker Carvill saw growth in trading in its hurricane index on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) on news of the contingent liquidity deal struck between the Florida Hurricane Catastro
  • Derivatives broker GNI Touch is offering a service to UK high net worth individuals to enable them to trade IFEX event linked futures on the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE). The target audien
  • Brokers in the secondary market for insurance linked securities (ILS) executed a number of bid lists in August, as macro hedge funds chased higher returns in other, crisis-struck sectors of the capit
  • Secondary trading of insurance linked securities (ILS) reached $3bn to end- August, with “brisk, continuous trading” noted in the sector. For the first time in the history of the secondar
  • Bermudian reinsurer RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd has formally terminated its retrocessional sidecar Starbound Reinsurance II Ltd. The move prompted ratings agency AM Best to withdraw the “a&rdquo
  • Aon Corp has triumphed over its rival Guy Carpenter for the £844mn prize of Benfield Group, including its specialist corporate finance firm Benfield Advisory. If the acquisition is completed, then th
  • US reinsurance broker Towers Perrin has launched a capital markets operation specialising in risk-linked securities, retirement risk transfer transactions and asset risk management services. The unit
  • Swiss Re Capital Markets has won a $1.5bn mandate to securitise US earthquake risk for the California Earthquake Authority (CEA) in its latest – and by far the largest – deal, Trading Ris
  • German reinsurer Hannover Re is and supporting former executive Dirk Lohmann with a $50mn investment in his new Secquaero insurance linked securities (ILS) fund, according to sources close to the dea
  • Specialist environmental inter-dealer broker Evolution Markets has launched a new division for trading and structuring catastrophe derivatives following its entry into the weather derivatives market.
  • Catastrophe futures trading platforms have reported some volatility in the first live season of trading, with more than $135mn limit equivalent of exchange traded contracts, and “multiples&rdqu
  • Investment bank JPMorgan has closed a £500mn long-duration longevity derivative transaction with life insurer Canada Life, in a deal that could open the multi-billion pound UK annuity market to the c