The hurricane, now a Category 1, is tracking around 100 miles west of Savannah, Georgia and is expected to pass through the Charleston area of South Carolina.
An EGM will be held later this month to propose the issuance of a convertible bond.
The estimate includes privately insured damage to residential, commercial and industrial property, as well as automobiles. Boats, offshore properties and NFIP losses were excluded.
If the assets of the cell form part of the Vesttoo estate, this may impact the priority of returning associated capital to cedants.
More than half of the top 20 global reinsurers maintained or reduced their natural catastrophe exposures during the January 2023 renewals.
Investors will have to wait an additional three years for collateral to be returned.
Large carriers with geographic spread across the continental US will have the capital and reinsurance coverage to absorb losses related to the wildfires, according to AM Best.
The agency put insured property values in the burn footprint at $2.5bn to $4bn, which marks an uptick compared to Moody’s estimate from last week, when the agency pegged insured losses at around $1bn.
The carrier’s net natural perils cost of A$1.2bn overshot its allowance by A$290mn in a "significant" loss year ending 30 June.
Primary writers of homeowners and commercial property are exposed, while reinsurers could face wildfire losses.
As part of a restructuring, Vesttoo is liquidating its collateralized insurer in Bermuda, but continues to operate its branches in New York, London and other territories.
The firm earned higher fees off the back of growth in insurance premiums ceded to reinsurers, as premiums ceded to third-party capital partners declined.