Stone Ridge Asset Management
ILS investors’ stress over Gibson Re is unlikely to inhibit legacy ILS’s future.
The deal economics take into account the investment return that Longtail Re can leverage.
The manager’s ILS allocation has grown by 16% since 31 October 2023.
The asset manager’s flagship ILS funds posted stellar returns for its 2023 fiscal year.
The firm’s flagship reinsurance strategy delivered its best performance in its 10-year history.
The cat bond fund posted returns of around 10.75% for the first six months of Stone Ridge’s financial year.
The former chairman and CEO of New York Life will support the asset manager in developing strategies that harness longevity pooling.
The transaction is the first proportional deal for cyber risk in the capital markets.
The asset manager’s reinsurance funds shrank 17% in its fiscal year to end October to reach $2.6bn.
Flagship sidecar funds run by Stone Ridge and Amundi Pioneer lost 12% and 5% respectively last week.
The ILS manager’s half-year report showed significantly lower holdings with Everest Re, as much of its portfolio has gone private.