The first cat bond of 2021 supports brokers’ forecasts of favourable pricing trends for cedants, as pricing has dropped 17% year-on-year.
The utility did not disclose which insurers would receive payments.
Spreads on the mortgage credit investor’s bond have also dropped nearly 10% across both tranches.
The issuance follows roughly $107mn of issuance across five series last year.
The latest issuances take the 2021 Seaside Re bonds to $136mn in total, down 10% from last year.
By year-end some bonds were trading at above-par levels that put implied spreads 15%-28% lower than mid-year when the deals were issued.
The new limit amounts to roughly half the Seaside Re bonds placed last year.
The ILS market expanded by $1bn in Q3 but still shrank by 4% over the first nine months of 2020 to $92bn.
Quarterly report reveals that bond prices went “sideways” in Q4, but market remains hard.
The spread rose 9% during the course of marketing.
The first cat bond of the year will cover earthquake risk for the mortgage credit investor.
The year was marked by record North Atlantic storms, which put the loss tally more than 40% ahead of mild 2019 experience.