At 31 January this year, the fund’s net assets reached $62.4mn, almost double the $34.2mn total assets at the same point last year.
New aggregate demand from Japanese cedants may also present opportunities for ILS markets.
The past two years challenged the catastrophe (re)insurance market more than any period since the Hurricane Katrina era in 2004-2005 – but it is far from clear what the outcome will be this time around.
A decrease in capacity following last year’s losses is thought to be one of the largest drivers of the rate increase.
Total assets have grown from $45.6mn at the end of July.
This publication retraces the series of loss predictions made by the manager for its listed Reinsurance Opportunities Fund over the past year.
The firm’s 2017 portfolio loss has risen 15.7 percent to 57.1 percent.
The ILS market is often presented as the player in the (re)insurance industry with the deepest pockets, with access to trillions of pension fund wealth in worldwide bank vaults.
The initial estimate suggests an ultimate outcome broadly in line with market expectations.
The industry loss warranty will trigger based on a specified number of users in a network experiencing network failure.
Hurricane Michael is likely to have triggered Floridian window industry loss warranties (ILWs), sources told Trading Risk. The window covers typically attach at ranges between $2bn-10bn and $7bn-15bn, covering Florida wind risks only.
Neuberger Berman has a diverse base of investors in areas Cartesian Re's ILS platform has not drawn from.