Peak Re was able to increase sidecar cover for its global property reinsurance risk portfolio amid stalling ILS capacity this renewal.
It has raised a preliminary $54.6mn of debt for the vehicle, which provided $300mn of limit last year.
The main disrupted segments are still aggregate retro and sidecar vehicles, where negotiations over the level of trapped capital have held up the renewal process.
He will have a similar mandate at New York-based One William Street as he had at recently-sold hedge fund BlueMountain.
A busier cat bond market is expected while a loss of investor confidence is squeezing the collateralised and sidecar markets, said managing director of GC Securities Des Potter.
The carrier's Sector Re sidecar has now reached roughly $1bn in size.
The Everest Re sidecar assumed $79.5mn of losses after Dorian and Faxai hits, up from $29mn in the same quarter last year.
Sidecar sponsor RenaissanceRe also posted a 40 percent uplift in Q3 fee income.
The firm's reinsurance CEO John Doucette said the firm saw “select opportunities” to grow its retro book.
The Everest Re sidecar shrank by $6mn, as the carrier fell to an underwriting loss for the quarter.
Parent asset manager Apollo is set to nearly double its stake in the life insurer.
The Apollo-owned third-party funds vehicle has raised $1.5bn as of August.