The reinsurer said it had had to pay an increase on its loss-hit aggregate retro cover.
This came as the reinsurer’s DaVinci Re vehicle took heavy wildfire claims in Q4.
A key question is whether retro dislocation will spill over into reinsurance renewals.
Newer vehicles found it harder to get going as sidecar sponsors struggled to hit their fundraising targets in the January renewals.
The final couple of months of 2018 brought further pain for sidecar investors.
The vehicle brings Bermuda-based PartnerRe’s managed third-party capital to $262mn as of January 2019.
The insurer is exploring using the vehicle for a quota share as well as access to the firm’s Syndicate 5623.
Rick Pagnani was most recently CEO of Everest Re’s Mt Logan vehicle.
A new $213mn issuance has been added to an $87mn Eden Re tranche done in December.
The size of the vehicle was not disclosed.
The latest deal will provide the carrier with retro cover, Trading Risk understands.
The Munich Re vehicle funded by Dutch pension fund service provider PGGM has reached $400mn for 2019.