The ILS manager’s analysis highlighted that Lloyd’s nat cat exposure had lowered over the six years to 2021.
The carrier has upped its global all-perils cat coverage to $1.2bn since January last year.
The capital management platform remains active but January renewals were fronted by the balance sheet.
The reinsurer noted “buoyant” conditions in the cat bond and private reinsurance segments.
The carrier has increased its retro capacity by 56% to EUR1.34bn.
The carrier said it achieved average risk-adjusted price increases of 30% on cat business.
The headline market drop in AuM belies a more lively growth story for funds operating outside of the ILS major league.
The organisation is preparing its reinsurance placement based on the increased exposure numbers.
Rate increases achieved at 1 January will help carriers keep pace with inflation, the agency said.
The carrier has renewed two of its quota shares with continental reinsurers with final negotiations underway.
Key themes of the renewal that resonated across the ILS investor base include the elevation of attachment points, though lack of take-up of named perils coverage may disappoint some.
The broker said the renewal had been “gruelling” for cedants.